Lionel Messi Beats Holland To Become FIFA Player Of The Year 2024

Lionel Messi Beats Holland To Become FIFA Player Of The Year 2024

Lionel Messi Wins FIFA ‘Player of the Year’ Award for Second Consecutive Year, Narrowly Defeating Erling Holland

Lionel Messi beats Holland the ‘god of soccer’, was honored with the FIFA ‘Player of the Year’ award for two consecutive years. He beat ‘Monster’ Erling Holland (Man City) by a narrow margin.

Eighth Career Victory

Messi was selected as the Male Player of the Year at ‘The Best FIFA Football Awards’ held in London, England on the 16th (Korean time). This is the 8th award in total (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2019, 2022, 2023).

Comparable to Ballon d’Or

The FIFA World Player of the Year Award is a prestigious award that is on par with the Ballon d’Or selected by France Football, a French soccer magazine. The Male Athlete of the Year was evaluated for performance from December 19, 2022 to August 20 of last year. Performance at the 2022 Qatar World Cup is not included.

Tight Competition and Evaluation Criteria

In ‘Player of the Year’, which is decided through the results of votes by each country’s national team coach, captain, media, and fans, Messi received a total score of 48, tying with Holland (48 points). However, if the scores are equal, Messi, who received 13 votes from the captains according to the rule that gives priority to the number of votes from the national team captain, narrowly beat Holan (11 votes).

Contributions in Paris Saint-Germain Uniform

During the evaluation period, Messi sported the Paris Saint-Germain uniform and secured the assist title with an impressive 16 assists. His contributions played a vital role in the team’s success in Ligue 1.

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