Miss Japan Ukrainian Controversy Over First Place

Miss Japan Ukrainian Controversy Over First Place

The most beautiful woman in Japan is Ukrainian? Controversy over first place in ‘Miss Japan’

When a naturalized Ukrainian from Ukraine won first place in a beauty contest in Japan, some people reacted critically. The reason is that although it is a ‘Japanese’ beauty pageant in name, the grand prize is given to women with Western appearance, making it less representative of the country. However, some are of the opinion that there is no problem as they officially have Japanese nationality.

56th Miss Japan Contest

According to Kyodo News, the final judging of the ’56th Miss Japan Contest’ was held in Tokyo, Japan on the 22nd. The Miss Japan Contest is a contest that evaluates ‘Japan’s unique beauty’ and began in 1950. It is known to have produced many famous people in all fields, including actors, artists, film directors, and politicians.

Miss Japan

Sino Carolina (26) from Ukraine won the first place in this competition, the ‘Grand Prix’. Originally, both of her parents were Ukrainian, but after her divorce, her mother remarried a Japanese man, and she was raised in Japan from a young age, she said. She Shino announced the news that she will acquire her Japanese citizenship in 2022. According to the Miss Japan contest website, Shino describes herself as “a foreigner on the outside, but she is Japanese on the inside because she grew up in Japan since she was about 5 years old.”

In her winning speech, Shino said, “I miss my mother the most who brought me to Japan and made me live as a Japanese,” and “I applied to the Miss Japan contest because I wanted to be recognized as a Japanese person, and I can’t stop crying.” She continued, “In the future, I want to contribute to creating a social atmosphere that recognizes diversity and does not judge people based on their appearance,” and “I am currently working as a model who uses appearance as a product, but I want to touch the hearts of many people through my message.” He said.

However, Japanese reactions to this grand prize selection were mixed.

There were several posts on Yahoo Japan, Japan’s largest portal site, with some raising issues of fairness. From the outset, numerous assertions were made that a Western aesthetic was not in harmony with the intended objective of the competition, which aimed to celebrate a ‘distinctly Japanese beauty.’ Netizens said, “It feels like the contest was selected for political purposes with an emphasis on topicality.” “It doesn’t matter if it’s a talent competition, but ‘Miss Japan’… “Reactions such as “She looks pretty and has great humanity, but I feel a sense of incongruity” and “If I were to represent Japan, I hope it would be a representative who shows the strengths of Asians” were shown.

Miss Japan

However, some people said that they did not understand the controversy because it was a contest to select beautiful women of Japanese nationality. “Race doesn’t matter as long as you have Japanese nationality,” and “Athletes also accept foreigners, so there’s no reason for beauty pageants to be any different.”

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