Galaxy S24 Subsidy Increased All At Once – Government Pressure Worked

S24 Subsidy Increased All At Once It Looks Like Government Pressure Is Working.

Galaxy S24 subsidy increased all at once, While the government announced the abolition of the Mobile Telecommunications Act to lower the burden of communication costs, it has been pressuring the industry to increase the publicly announced subsidies lowered by the Mobile Telecommunications Act.

Accordingly, the public subsidies for new Samsung smartphones have increased all at once. Reporter Shin Seong-woo, how much did the public subsidy increase?

It Was Raised By As Much As 300,000 Won.

The company that raised the most was SKT and compared to the 26th of last month when pre-orders began, the publicly announced subsidy, which was up to 200,000 won, rose to a maximum of 489,000 won.

In the case of KT, the public subsidy for the S24 series, which was up to 240,000 won, doubled to 480,000 won. LG U+, which had already raised the publicly announced subsidy once on the 2nd, also increased the subsidy from the previous maximum of 450,000 won to 500,000 won due to the expansion of subsidy by competitors.

If you add the public subsidy and the additional subsidy from the distribution store, you can buy the Galaxy S24 (256GB), which costs about 1.15 million won depending on the plan, at almost half price.

S24 Subsidy Increased All At Once It Looks Like Government Pressure Is Working.?

As the government is driving to reduce household communication costs, the three telecommunication companies have no choice but to pay attention.

Previously, the government announced that it would abolish the Mobile Communications Act and that it would “promote competition among telecommunication companies in providing terminal subsidies.”

The plan is to revise the enforcement ordinance related to the Single Tong Act within this month. Additionally, the Korea Communications Commission called in the three telecommunication companies and Samsung Electronics last month and urged them to expand public notification subsidies.

However, some point out that even with the expansion of the publicly announced subsidy, it is still more advantageous to receive discounts for selective contracts, making it less effective.

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