Apple Also Like The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip Foldable Phone

Apple Also Like The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip Foldable Phone

Apple Also Like The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip Foldable Phone Launched. Apple is developing a foldable phone that resembles Samsung’s Galaxy Z Flip. On the 7th (local time), IT media 925 Mac reported that Apple is producing a horizontally folding iPhone prototype, citing a report by information technology media The Information.

The foldable phone that Apple is planning has a clamshell shape that opens and closes like a clam. Apple is reportedly developing two types of foldable phone prototypes and has discussed them with manufacturers in Asia.

Apple’s development of the foldable iPhone is facing difficulties. According to reports, they are insisting on a thin foldable phone. It is designed to be half the thickness of the current iPhone, so that when both sides are folded, it will become the thickness of a typical iPhone model.

The problem with ultra-thin foldable phones is that they can break easily, and above all, it is difficult to obtain suitable components such as batteries and displays. Apple is also trying to develop a foldable phone with a display on the outside of the device, but Apple’s engineers have not yet solved the technical issues of foldable smartphones.

According to reports, a foldable iPhone is not included in mass production plans for 2024 and 2025. It is expected that it will not appear on the market until at least 2026. If Apple’s foldable phone is released in 2026, it will be seven years later than the launch of Samsung Electronics‘ Galaxy Fold.

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