Edge AI Is A Big Turning Point: Samsung Is The Best Partner in 2024

Edge AI Is A Big Turning Point Samsung Is The Best Partner in 2024

Edge AI Is A Big Turning Point

Intel PC General Manager Michelle Johnston Highlights Edge AI Is A Big Turning Point, with Samsung as the Ideal Partner.

The spreaders of edge artificial intelligence (AI) and the emergence of AI PCs are monumental changes. “It’s as if the advent of Wi-Fi has changed the way people work and live. Vice President of Intel PC” Michelle Johnston, met with the Seoul Economic Daily at ‘CES 2024,’ emphasizing the essential role of securing an open ecosystem and achieving economies of scale for providing customized AI experiences in the era of edge AI. He asserted that Intel is ahead of competitors such as Qualcomm and AMD.

Vice President Johnston, in charge of Intel’s AI PC strategy, detailed the company’s edge AI strategy. This approach aims to install neural network processing units (NPUs) on laptops and desktops, allowing AI tasks to run on each device without an Internet connection. It is closely linked to Samsung Electronics’ Galaxy AI ecosystem, where Intel’s support as a CPU manufacturer is crucial for extending the Edge AI experience from smartphones to laptops like the Galaxy Book. The strong cooperative relationship between Samsung Electronics and Intel spans various business areas, making Samsung Electronics Intel’s strategic partner.

During a post-interview meeting, Vice President Johnston introduced the Galaxy Book 4 as a representative example of Intel’s AI PC strategy. Emphasizing Samsung Electronics’ role across business areas, including laptops, memory, and displays, he highlighted their close partnership. Despite the ongoing edge AI era, some note the absence of a singular ‘killer application.’ Vice President Johnston dismissed the significance of this debate, stating that with AI incorporated into all apps and user experiences, there cannot be just one edge AI killer app. He emphasized the increasing importance of ecosystem support for customized AI apps optimized for individual users.

Intel PC General Manager Michelle Johnston

Vice President Johnston announced continued investment in the graphics processing unit (GPU) sector, acknowledging its lag behind competitors like NVIDIA and AMD. He stressed the essential role of a balanced CPU, GPU, and NPU for edge AI to thrive, pointing out Intel’s advantage due to 80% of laptops worldwide using its built-in GPU. He declared plans to build an edge AI ecosystem encompassing laptops and desktops by integrating NPUs into next-generation desktop CPUs.

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