Improvement Of 5G Quality Evaluation Items: Focused Inspection Of Indoor And Rural Areas

Improvement Of 5G Quality Evaluation Items Focused Inspection Of Indoor And Rural Areas

Starting this year, 5G communication service 5G quality evaluation items will focus on inspecting areas where speed slowdowns are concerned, such as indoor facilities.

The Ministry of Science and ICT announced today (21st) the ‘2024 communication service availability area inspection and quality evaluation plan’. In this year’s evaluation, 160 locations, or 40% of the 400 5G service evaluation samples, are devoted to evaluating indoor facilities, focusing on quality indoors. Last year, only 26% of the sample were indoor facilities.

In particular, considering the fact that the communication quality in buildings where telecommunication companies have not installed 5G base stations or repeaters is likely to have poor communication quality, starting this year, we will focus on selecting facilities without indoor 5G wireless stations as samples.

In order to promote the improvement of 5G service quality in rural and fishing villages, we decided to expand the sample number of rural evaluation areas from 30 last year to 45 towns and villages this year and also promote new inspections of 5G available areas in rural and fishing villages.

In addition, in order to promote ‘continuous user evaluation’ in which users voluntarily participate, the three telecommunications companies have decided not to charge fees for data usage that occurs when using the speed measurement app (wireless Internet speed measurement) of the Korea Intelligence and Information Society Agency (NIA). We are discussing.

Areas with insufficient 5G and LTE quality and facilities with insufficient 5G access identified in last year’s evaluation results will be reexamined to see whether quality has improved and the results will be announced in August. In last year’s evaluation, areas with insufficient 5G quality were 13 LG U+, 10 SK Telecom, and 9 KT. Facilities lacking 5G connectivity were identified as 28 KT, 17 SK Telecom, and 15 LG U+ facilities.

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