The Identity Of The Space Nuclear Weapon Being Developed By Russia

The threat of a space nuclear weapon being developed by the Russian military that could instantly shut down mobile phones and the internet around the world has become concrete. Although space nuclear weapons have not yet been deployed in orbit, relevant officials explain that if used, it would be the most dangerous in the history of nuclear weapons and would lead to ‘crossing the Rubicon.’ It could paralyze mobile phones and the internet around the world, causing unpredictable chaos in daily life. U.S. intelligence officials analyzed that Russia is tempted to use nuclear weapons because it cannot completely occupy Ukraine with conventional forces.

CNN reported on the 17th (local time) that Russia is developing nuclear weapons that can destroy satellites in space. The ‘ultimate weapon’ that Russia is working to develop can paralyze satellites by generating enormous nuclear electromagnetic waves (EMP).

Earlier, Mike Turner, chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, announced on the 14th that he had information regarding a serious national security threat. White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby said in a briefing the next day, “Russia is developing a space-based satellite destruction capability,” and “President Joe Biden has requested direct diplomatic contact with Moscow regarding this.”

The Pentagon said there had been a series of intelligence reports in recent months regarding Russian efforts to develop a nuclear-powered satellite attack capability. It was predicted that Russia’s nuclear EMP could disable Starlink, SpaceX’s satellite internet network used by Ukraine in the war with Russia.

Biden administration officials argued that Russia’s deployment of a nuclear EMP in space would be a violation of the ‘Outer Space Treaty.’ The United States and Russia signed a treaty together in 1967 that stipulated that space could only be used for peaceful purposes.

U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken also warned China and India of the possibility of Russia deploying space nuclear weapons at the Munich Security Conference in Germany on the 16th and 17th. The New York Times reported that Secretary Blinken persuaded China and India, which are close to Russia, to step forward and stop the development of space nuclear weapons.

Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed the issue of nuclear weapons capable of destroying satellites in space, raised by the U.S. Congress and the White House, as a ‘trick’ by the White House to get approval for a budget plan to support Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Russia declared that it had completely occupied Audivka, a battleground in eastern Ukraine. When Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported that they had taken control of Audiuka by sacrificing 13,000 troops since October of last year, President Putin praised it as an “important victory.”

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