Clothing Company Columbia Logo Is Attached To The US Private Lunar Lander

Clothing Company Columbia Logo Is Attached To The US Private Lunar Lander

The clothing company Columbia logo is attached to the US private lunar lander… Is the space advertising market opening? The American space company Intuitive Machines’ lunar lander ‘Odysseus’ made history as the ‘world’s first private lunar landing’. This landing symbolizes the new space era in which private companies lead space exploration, and is also considered a representative example of how companies can use space. This is thanks to the advertising effect enjoyed by Columbia, an American clothing company that participated in this mission.

Odysseus’ cryogenic propulsion tank is coated with a special heat-reflecting film to withstand the extreme temperature differences in space. This coating is an insulating material ‘Omni-Heat Infinity’ developed by Columbia, and Columbia’s brand logo is written on the outside. The Columbia brand is naturally exposed whenever news related to Odysseus that is of interest to the world is reported.

Omni-Heat is an insulating material for clothing developed in 1964 at NASA’s Marshall Space Center for the Apollo lunar exploration program. It was later commercialized by Columbia by applying it to winter outdoor clothing. Initially, Intuitive Machines requested Columbia to fund the development of Odysseus and proposed attaching a brand logo. However, Columbia believed that Omni-Heat could be useful in improving Odysseus’ performance and proposed using the material instead.

Recently, as space development by private companies has increased, the advertising market targeting this is becoming more active. The Hakuto-R of iSpace, a Japanese company that attempted to land on the moon in April last year but failed, had the logos of Japanese companies attached to it. Companies including Japan Airlines, Suzuki, and Sumitomo Mitsui Bank (SMBC) participated in the advertisement at the time.

The advertising world estimates that the advertising cost of attaching a company logo to a launch vehicle, probe, or lander will amount to millions of dollars. However, companies are actively engaging in space advertising, believing that it will have a greater marketing effect.

Industry officials believe that this movement is expected to increase in the future as it helps low-profit space companies cover development costs. Canadian space company GEC, Russian space company Avant Space, and Start Rocket specialize in space advertising. Their strategy is to use advertising satellites to allow companies to advertise their brands and products.

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