Tiktok Deleted Over 130 Million Videos In The Third Quarter Of Last Year

Tiktok Deleted Over 130 Million Videos In The Third Quarter Of Last Year

TikTok deleted over 130 million videos in the third quarter of last year. quarterly maximum, TikTok, a video sharing platform whose parent company is China’s ByteDance, deleted about 136.53 million videos in the third quarter of last year (July to September) alone.

TikTok Northeast Asia Trust and Safety Team Partnership Manager Yang Soo-young made this statement at a press conference held at the TikTok Korea office in Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul on the 6th, citing the ‘Community Guideline Enforcement Report’.

This is a figure that has more than tripled in three years compared to the number of deleted videos in the third quarter of 2020 (about 43.08 million), and is the highest ever quarterly figure since the report was published.

It is interpreted that as the number of users, especially those in their teens and 20s, has increased rapidly and the amount of content uploaded to the platform has increased, the number of deleted videos has also increased.

As of the third quarter of last year, the most deleted videos from TikTok were ‘sensitive adult themes’ (38.8%), followed by ‘regulated goods and commercial activities’ (25.8%), ‘safety and civic awareness’ (16.1%), and ‘spiritual and behavioral health’ (10.4%), followed by ‘privacy and security’ (7.7%), and ‘authenticity and authenticity’ (1.3%).

The meeting was held on this day to introduce approaches for safe use of TikTok, efforts to promote digital literacy, and content review methods.

Recently, TikTok CEO Choo Shouz attended the U.S. Senate Legislation and Judiciary Committee’s hearing on ‘Big Tech and the Online Child Sexual Exploitation Crisis’ and announced that he would invest more than $2 billion (approximately 2.2 trillion won) to ensure trust and safety. It is in line with this.

Manager Yang introduced that TikTok currently has over 40,000 professional reviewers working worldwide and that 96.1% of deleted videos were preemptively deleted as of the third quarter of last year.

The deletion rates within 24 hours and on-site deletion reached 90.6% and 76.8%, respectively.

TikTok is under all-round regulatory pressure in Western countries, including the United States and Europe, due to threats to national security due to the controversy over personal information leaks and safety issues due to indiscriminate use by youth.

In India, TikTok was completely banned, and as youth mental health issues regarding TikTok continued to be raised, TikTok limited the usage time of users under 18 years of age to 60 minutes in March of last year.

Hong Jong-hee, head of communications at TikTok Korea, said at a meeting that day, “TikTok’s policies have different areas of interest in each country,” and added, “In the case of Korea, relatively more attention is paid to preventing the distribution of sexually exploitative materials, preventing youth suicide, and promoting digital literacy.” introduced.

Ryu Dong-geun, head of public policy at TikTok Korea, said, “TikTok received a plaque of appreciation from the government for actively cooperating in resolving the N Room incident,” and emphasized, “We are cooperating with the government as much as possible in terms of protecting users.” did.

The N Room incident is a digital sex crime case in which victims, including minors, were lured using various messenger applications and then threatened to take and send sexually exploitative videos and then distribute them.

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