US and US leaders join forces to support Ukraine

US and US leaders join forces to support Ukraine

US and US leaders join forces to support Ukraine. The day after an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in which he expressed confidence in winning the war in Ukraine, was released, the leaders of the United States and Germany agreed on the need for additional support for Daewoo Ukraine.

U.S. President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz reaffirmed their firm support for Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression at a summit held at the White House on the 9th (local time), the White House said in a press release.

The White House introduced that President Biden evaluated Germany’s contribution to Ukraine’s self-defense as exemplary, and Chancellor Scholz emphasized the importance of continued support from the United States.

In his remarks, President Biden urged Congress to quickly process it, saying, “We must pass the national security spending package budget (including the Ukraine aid budget) now.”

He then targeted Republican members of the House of Representatives who are showing reservations about the additional budget for support for Ukraine, saying, “The U.S. Congress’s failure to support Daewoo Ukraine is close to dereliction of duty,” and “It is absurd.”

A security-related budget bill containing $60 billion (approximately 80 trillion won) in aid to Ukraine and more than $10 billion (approximately 13 trillion won) in aid to Israel is currently pending in the U.S. Senate, but Republican lawmakers, who hold the majority in the House of Representatives, are opposing additional support for Ukraine. Due to the difficulties expressed, the prospects for passage of the budget bill in the National Assembly are uncertain.

The White House is urging approval of the Ukraine aid budget, saying that the financial resources previously approved by Congress for aiding Ukraine have already been depleted.

Prime Minister Scholz responded by saying, “Without the support of the United States and European countries, Ukraine will not be able to defend its country, so the U.S. House of Representatives will have to follow you in deciding on essential support (for Ukraine).”

Chancellor Scholz said, “Germany and the United States must play a role in protecting world peace,” and added, “Europe has decided to provide the necessary financial support, and Germany is ready to increase the provision of weapons.”

He also disparaged the content of former Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson’s interview with President Putin, which was released the previous day, as a “ridiculous interview” and said, “He (Putin) wants to take over some of the territory of neighboring countries, but he is an imperialist and is nothing but imperialism.” He pointed out.

In a two-hour interview video released on former anchor Carlson’s personal website the day before, President Putin claimed that Russia’s defeat was impossible regarding the war in Ukraine. He also called on the United States to stop supplying weapons to Ukraine, saying that given Ukraine’s internal problems, an agreement would soon be reached between Russia and Ukraine.

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