Neuralink “First Successful Transplant Of Computer Chip into Human Brain”

Neuralink “First Successful Transplant Of Computer Chip into Human Brain”

Neuralink, a brain neuroscience startup founded by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, announced on the 29th (local time) that it had succeeded in implanting a computer chip into the human brain.

On this day, Musk said on his social media “Neuralink’s first product is ‘telepathy,’” he said. “You can control almost any device, including your cell phone or computer, with just your thoughts.”

“The primary users will be individuals with limited limb mobility,” he explained. “Imagine Stephen Hawking being able to communicate faster than a stenographer or an auctioneer.“That is the goal,” he added. Stephen Hawking, a world-renowned physicist, suffered from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease).

What is Neuralink?

Neuralink is a startup founded by Musk in 2016 and has been pursuing the implantation of brain-computer interface (BCI) chips that connect the human brain and computers. The goal is to control various devices and communicate with others using only thoughts through a chip implanted in the brain. The first step goal is to control the computer cursor or keyboard through BCI.

According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), dozens of small thread-like electrodes are attached to a coin-sized chip implanted in the brain, and these electrodes are responsible for transmitting electrical signals from neurons. It remains to be seen whether the brain will continue to respond to the electrodes over time. Tissue may grow around the thread-like electrodes, causing a decrease in electrical signals.

Neuralink’s first transplant occurred eight months after receiving FDA clinical approval. Neuralink, which has been conducting experiments on animals, received approval for clinical research on humans from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in May of last year, and began recruiting its first clinical trial participants in September of the same year. At the time, Neuralink announced that it was recruiting patients with quadriplegia due to cervical spinal cord injuries or Lou Gehrig’s disease.

There is quite a bit of controversy related to this study. Neuralink is being investigated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and federal prosecutors on charges of violating animal welfare laws, including animal abuse, during research on animals.

Elon Musk said in 2021 that he had succeeded in implanting a chip into the brain of a monkey so that it could play video games using only its thoughts and released a video of the monkey playing a video game without a joystick. However, suspicions were raised that 15 of the 23 monkeys subjected to the experiment died.

Last November, when veterinary records were revealed showing problems such as paralysis, seizures, and brain swelling in experiments on monkeys, four U.S. lawmakers asked the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate whether Musk misled investors about the safety of the technology. did. Reuters recently reported that the company was fined for violating U.S. Department of Transportation regulations regarding the transport of hazardous materials.

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